an exhausted cat lover

So work for me today was a cleaning job. The house I clean on Thursdays is almost 6000 sq ft. Now that's a mansion!! We own a house that is 1800 sq, and to me, that's a lot of room. Aaron and I lived in a dingy little one bedroom basement level apartment for 3 years- it couldn't have been more than 650 sq ft. We are living like kings with the space we have now, though it's not all redone the way we want it. Anyway, today this job was a bitch. Normally, I only clean one floor of the house, but once every 2 or 3 weeks I do the whole thing, and since it's after Christmas, a lot needed to be done today. I'm exhausted. I'll see how my body feels by Saturday, but after my recent flare up, I'm worried I may have overdone it.
My cat, Copper, is downstairs howling at the top of his lungs. He's a spoiled orange tabby, and he's demanding that I get off of the computer and chase him around the house. I've been planning on getting a kitten- a cute little girl to introduce to Copper. I swear, Copper is ADD and OCD- he's the strangest cat. I'm hoping that a new buddy will do him well, once he gets over being mad about the new addition. He gets very lonely during the day when we're gone, not to mention if we go away for more than 2 days. So, a playmate will come in handy. I can't manage to chase him up and down the stairs, and in and out of closets, like he wants. He needs a buddy, a little sister! I've contacted the humane society and everything. All I need to do is go during adoption hours, I've already got a room ready for a new kitten. God, how obvious is it that I'm so not ready for kids... I'm still trying to handle the bawling cat. :)
I had a whole tyrade in my head earlier, but I'm too tired to go ahead with it. Maybe when I have some more energy. Aaron should be home from work soon, and I want to get some supper on. (I went to the grocery store and bought dinner, all I need is the microwave.) I'm amazed that within just a few days, this blog has become my outlet. I can't wait to get up or come home and get it all out. It feels good... familiar. I used to feel this way about writing and for different reasons, it had become more of a chore. I'd rewrite the same sentence ten times, and end up with nothing. I don't know why this blog is so different, but it is. I can get it all out if I want to, and just leave it be. I find some sort of peace in that.
Ok, the cat is still crying, I'm outta here.
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