A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Back to Reality

We returned to more snow and blizzard-like conditions. Next week, the temps are supposed to rise, and the area is worried about flooding. The weather has been so strange.

I guess I believe in global warming... I saw "An Inconvient Truth" and found that what Al Gore said was no different than what the Mayans and the I Ching have predicted... The world as we know it can't last forever, it's that simple. But how and when? Who really knows? Anyway, not that I'm moping about doomsday. I happened to catch something on the History Channel today, and got into a discussion with a friend and my wheels began to turn.

I'm officially back on my tapering regimen. By the end of March I will be off the Norco completely, and my morphine dose has been reduced from 60mg to 40mg. The drop will be a little slower than we discussed, so it should be fairly comfortable if I can just keep my perspective. I'm feeling sort of shitty, but it's also pms time. And without fail every month, I feel sickly and irritable the week before my period. It drives me up the wall. My family physician suggested upping my antidepressant for the week I struggle with, so maybe I'll try that. I've also got phone calls to return, people to see, and I want to spend a good chunk of time writing and catching up on my scrapbooking. We've been so busy since we returned, I've hardly had the chance to turn around, and I need to get so many things done. Time is precious and of the essence.


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