A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Welcome to Florida

Well, we haven't exactly been welcomed yet. Aaron and I are sitting at the West Palm Beach Airport waiting for his sister to pick us up. We've been waiting nearly an hour and a half. What a way to start off my birthday trip... Nothing beats waiting in a cold terminal checking out the windows every minute or so to look for your ride. I should be grateful, after all, we're here. But when you've been up since 3:30am, when you get to your destination, the last thing you want to do is sit in the airport. I want a Corona, and to be out in the sun, not stuck waiting on Aaron's habitually late sister...

Oh the little things. Relax, Alli, it's your vacation, remember?

My laptop came (or I wouldn't be sitting here typing this) but god, what a mess. The battery lasts 10 minutes, so I have to stay plugged in, I have no electronic signature pad(which means more paperwork, blech) no printer cartridge... Nothing. I've never even been on an enrollemnt before and in a week, I'm going out amongst the wolves. There have already been 2 people that quit in the last few days- never a good sign! Oh well, I need to focus on the vacation, instead of letting all of this stuff get to me.

Off to hitch a ride!!


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