A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My god...Jesus Camp

My friend Caroline went and saw a movie called 'Jesus Camp' back home at the Calgary International Film Festival and talked about it on her blog. Of course, since I eat this stuff up, I checked out the trailer and found out where it was playing. I am scared after watching the preview. I have been reading reviews and scouring YouTube for news coverage about this documentary. It looks like it's also a very political film, and some Christian leaders have even said that Jesus Camp is a far, far right fringe group, and is NOT representative of most Christians today. Yeah, well ask most Muslims if Al Quiada represents Islam, and they'll give you a firm hell no. But, these groups exist, children everywhere are laying their lives down for their god. It sickens me to the core. It really does. I cannot wait to see this movie.


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