A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Work, Play, and Bullshit.

I'm back to work! Sort of. Tommorow I'm going to Indianapolis for a training session for the new and improved benefits company that is back on it's feet. They got a huge grocery store signed up for their benefits, and starting October 23rd, we're enrolling 15, 000 employees. It will be a 3 week process. I'll be missing the first week, because Aaron and I are leaving for Florida on the 24th for a week. Fantasy Fest, here I come! I plan on letting it all hang out and having a rockin' time, complete with body paint and beads. We have a house rented on Key Biscane which is 20 minutes from Key West, where the debauchery will be. I can't believe we are finally going- it's something we've wanted to do for a long time. And I'll finally get to swim with my beloved dolphins.

Once we get back, I will be in Indianpolis doing enrollments for the remainder. It will provide us with enough money to not worry for a little while and hopefully, the enrollments will continue and I can work a couple of weeks a month. That would be the perfect situation. Make full time wages without putting in the hours. Maybe my patience is paying off. We shall see. I have to do some prep work before tomorrow, which I should be doing now, but the day is young, and I can't help but procrastinate.

The appeal from my doctor to send me to the Cleveland Clinic was denied, I found out yesterday. But my crafty (and very frusterated) husband made some phone calls and found out that my doctor didn't send my file with the appeal. He sent a letter. Um, I'm no doctor, but common sense tells me that in order for a proper decision to be reached, the insurance company needs my 300 page file. Why on earth would they send me to an incredibly expensive, world renowned facility after reading a ONE page letter? So, we are prepared to get involved and fight this ourselves if need be. I wonder about the compentency of my physician. I mean, this guy came highly regarded as one of the best in the area, but we don't live in a big city. He flat out told me yesterday that he lacks the expertise, and he feels I need care that only a specialized staff could provide. At least he's upfront about it. Right now, we've managed to find a balance of medications that keep my pain managable, but I don't want to live off pain meds forever. There has to be something out there. If I have to go and see a medicine man in the rainforest I will. I refuse to give in and let pain rule my life.


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