A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Confessions of a MySpace Addict

I have become a myspace addict. My page is pimped out with cute graphics, pictures and every other bell and whistle you can imagine. It's my online scrapbook I guess. And it's all FUN. I come on here and pour out all of my emotions, whereas over there, I'm just the funny, goofy, sexy Alli. I find some sort of solace in that. I am really good behind a computer screen; I feel more at ease expressing myself. There's a confidence that shines through, thanks somehow to the filter the internet provides.

I met my husband in a chatroom. A chatroom, for crying out loud- for Ex Jehovah's Witnesses! Because I find this mode of communication so comfortable, I've made lots of friends online over the years. The wife of a good friend of my husband was over at Aaron's birthday party a couple of weeks ago. I guess I'd call her a friendly aquaintence? Anyway, I had invited a myspace friend and her husband over as well. This girl is a fucking riot, and cracks me up on a daily basis. We're silly with each other and get along quite well. The aquaintence started asking how we met, and got really weirded out by the whole thing. She couldn't fathom actually getting to know someone via computer and then meeting her... I reminded her Aaron and I met the same way, didn't she see a pattern here? I don't know what her deal about it was, but I had a good chuckle over the situation.

I have said since I moved to good ol' Indiana that having friends that have nothing to do with Aaron is important to me. The area we live in is filled with cliques. Aaron and I definitely belong to a group, and I've never been entirely comfortable with that. I feel like everyone is back in high school sometimes. I can laugh at a lot of it, and go with the flow, but I've kept my distance as well. It's not that I dislike Aaron's friends (our friends). I've had some great times! I guess I just don't want to belong to one crowd of people. I'd like to be a floater, for lack of a better word.

There is a Notre Dame home game today, so Aaron went out tailgaiting. I chose to stay home. We are going out to a winery for lunch with his parents and I have plans with my *gasp* online buddy afterwards. That's a long day for this girl. I wouldn't have enjoyed myself; it's 40 degrees this morning and I'm already nursing a sore neck. I need to be in tip top shape for our lunch with the JW parents! And tonight will be it's own story, I'm sure. No doubt I'll be posting pictures on myspace Monday morning.


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