A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Crossing my fingers

The first thing I did when I found out I didn't have a job was to call everyone I knew, or had worked for in the past, in an effort to help my employment situation. Well today, I finally got a call back from a lovely lady I used to clean for. She has always treated me with respect, kindness, and generosity. Her and her husband own a company here in town that is very successful, and they are well known and liked in the area. We have a dinner date tonight, and I am crossing my fingers in hopes that she might have a job opening, or know of someone that does. I am nervous. I don't like calling in favors, and I'm concerned that when I tell her what has happened over the last few months, I'll break into tears and make a fool of myself. But, despite my nerves, I'm incredibly grateful that she is taking time out of her busy schedule to meet with me. Maybe, just maybe, she can help me out with a job.

Aaron turned the big 31 yesterday, and is not happy about it. Last year when he turned 30, he began to obsess about his age... I assumed it would go away, but thus far, he is still struggling with his own mortality. Our solution? A big birthday bash at home where he can behave like a 21 year old and not think about getting older. It should be a blast.


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