A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Twilight Haze

I'm coming down off of a debaucherous weekend. Actually, I can't sleep, but I definitely had fun. I met up with my new friend for dinner Friday night, and we hit it off. This girl has a smile so infectious, it could light up a room. I hope there's more fun in store, because I laughed all night, and it felt so good to be with someone that just kind of 'gets' me. I wasn't on guard at all, and kept no pretenses up. She's the kind of girl I can be my dopey, silly, goofy self around- which is hard to find. I haven't met anyone so genuine in a long time. (Snootch to the motherfuckin' nootch!!)

Saturday morning was tailgating, which I was less than excited about. But, I surprised myself, by having a really great time. Fences were mended, and the issues that had been bothering me for a month were put to rest. I witnessed old fashioned stupidity and male testosterone fly to new heights...The behavior was straight out of 'Animal House' only most of the men were nearly 30. Aaron used to be right in the thick of it all, but he's mellowed out now. All he wants to do is play bean bag toss, and cheer for his team(who kicked Penn State's ass!!) So, together we watched the antics and enjoyed the sunny weather before we went back to the house, so the guys could yell at the game on tv.

It was so refreshing to feel normal again, finally. I had been so wound up, and needed the reminder that life is what you make of it... Feeling like the victim gets old, and I've snapped out of it. The ebb and flow of life is just that. There are ups and downs, and you give and take. It ain't always neat and clean, but it sure is interesting.


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