A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Million thoughts on ' A Million Little Pieces'

So there is all of this controversy about James Frey's memoir, "A Million Little Pieces." I have read the book; I read as many memoirs and books that pertain to me somehow as I can, because my dream is to publish my own story. Seeing all of this backlash on James Frey's integrity and honesty is sort of frightening. I have read 'The Smoking Gun' article, as well as the interview he had on Larry King last night, along with a bunch of other things on the web. It makes me wonder about myself.

If someday, my work is good enough to be published, I know there will be details changed, and that my recollection is just that- my recollection. I have hesitated to talk about much on this blog because I'm not ready to share everything. But if I did, I bet people would question whether or not I'm telling the truth. I've experienced a lot in my life, and a large percentage of it was negative, maybe even ridiculous, to some. I'm only 27. I don't know what's in store for me in the coming years, but I have continuing daily battles. I am hoping by the time I reach 30 I'll have a little more figured out. By 35, even more... I want to keep writing, as often as possible, for myself... In hopes that someday, someone will pick up my story, and find inspiration and similarity.

What I don't want, is a publish backlash, like Frey is experiencing. I don't know how much time he spent in jail, and to what extent he's embellished. I've read all sorts of opinions, from people calling him a plagiarist to people who believe 100% of everything he wrote, and my opinion is this- whether Frey was arrested once or twenty times is irrelevant to me. He told a tale of addiction, and of rehabilitation. Even if it is part fiction, my bottom line is if I can relate to it, I want to read it, because it's a part of my own experience in this world. I am currently trying to walk the fine line between dependence and straight up addiction. Anything that I find inspiring is enough.

I think book sales of this already popular memoir will soar. People will be curious about the controversy, and buy the book. James Frey is a millionaire already, thanks largely in part to the success of ' A Million Little Pieces.' He may very well become even wealthier. It's a shame that the price he pays is the questioning of his integrity. The media is a double edged sword, and here I am, wanting in on the action...


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