A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


It's as though nature is akin with my spirit. A thunderstorm swept through here with intense fury as if it was feeling right along with me.

One of my favorite things used to be taking personality tests, career aptitude tests, or anything that I felt could give me insight as to who I am and where I fit in. As of today, I am boycotting them altogether.

I logged on to a site and took a 200+ question quiz answering questions about myself. It was a test to determine what sort of career I would be suited for, given my preferences, my personality and my aptitude. I was brutally honest, maybe a even a little harsh on myself when answering the questions, but I felt the need for complete authenticity. Crestfallen would be an accurate way to describe my reaction to my 'suggested' career choices. To put it bluntly, the test maintained that I was pretty much ill suited for anything except horticulture and home-based health care.

Now I realize that these are simply guidlines, and I can do anything I damned well please. But to see plain as day that my personality didn't fit into any sort of *regular* job hurt my fragile ego. No more quizzes for this girl. The last thing I need right now is some arbitrary test telling me what I should or shouldn't do.

Fuck the system!


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