A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mind Over Matter

I passed my test... To no one's surprise, except maybe my own. I shouldn't say that, because, dammit, I worked hard to pass that exam. I was in a puddle on the floor 3 months ago, and now I'm liscensed and have a great job waiting for me as soon as we get back from Mexico. That's quite impressive for a girl who doesn't always believe in herself.

The exam experience in itself was part hell. There are 150 multiple choice questions, you're allowed two and a half hours. Give me an essay, and chances are, I'll ace it. Put me in front of a long list of possible answers and I'll freeze. I was at that point yesterday, but remembered the words of experience ringing in my ears... Relax, you can do this, you're prepared... I did really, really well in most areas, but in two areas, I completely flunked. Luckily, my average was enough to give me a 74% when I needed a 70. I wasn't trying to ace this test, I won't be using half of what I was tested on anyway. But, I was so excited when the score tally came up, and it said PASS that I squealed and clapped my hands before I went to the proctor lady.

Wouldn't you know it, I got in trouble. She said that I caused a disturbance and she would have to file a report. I was on such a high that I didn't care. Ooooooh, Alli got excited and yipped in jubliation. I was at the end of the room, in a corner, and there were only 2 other people in with me. I apologize if I interrupted someone's thought process, but that's why we were given earphones. Still, I tried to make amends... I doubt very seriously that anything will happen with this report. Just one of those things that is typical of me:)

So, I have to thank everyone that supported me through this; my husband, my friends, my family, and of course, my counselor. There were times that I was at my wits end, sobbing fitfully, worried I'd never get everything memorized, and doubting my ability to do anything. But, I proved to myself, again, that I am capable of whatever I set my mind to. This is just one more rung I've climbed on the ladder of life. There is so much more I want to do...And I'll get there, one step at a time. When I stop and reflect on the last year of my life, I see the life changes. It's been pretty amazing.


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