A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A few pictures

Taken from the plane.

I couldn't help it, a cheesy, but happy self portrait from our balcony, the moment we arrived.

Chillin' by the pool.

Rainy, wet, and mystified at Talum

Antother view from our hotel

I tried to download more, but I'll just get an album made and post it when I can devote more time to sitting at a desk. It was so amazing... Put the travel bug in me. I can't wait for Fantasy Fest in the Keys in October!


At 11:15 PM , Blogger H said...

Okay I changed my mind. I thought I would wait to comment when you were going through a rough time ... but what a beautiful trip you are on and what a handsome husband and well Congradulations ... you my dear are a fighter ... can see it in your eyes. The pain stuff will all work out. There is a solution out there!!! Enjoy every second!!!


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