A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I always feel so out of the loop when our internet goes down. I hate Verizon.

Anyway, life continues on out here in small town. We're gearing up for a 4th of July weekend at the lake. I'm not that thrilled about it, but I ordered a new suit from Victoria's Secret, so if it comes, at least I'll have something to show off. I used to love going out to the lake for the weekend, but now, feeling like a cripple and not being able to make it up late and out with everyone, I feel really left out.

I've decided to go ahead with a 4 level rhizotomy, and let them burn the nerves off. I got about 3 days of relief from my injections, and that's considered enough to warrant this procedure. Hopefully, that will provide some extended relief and I can get some of my life back. There are some other injections like Botox, I'm considering for other areas that won't be helped by the rhizotomy. I'm waiting to hear back from the nurse to find out when I can go in.

Unfortunately, I'm still waiting to work. I need some additional training, which doesn't take place until mid month, and then I'll be going out on enrollments and learning the process of advising people on their health benefits. I'm a great advertisement as to why one would need disability or additional insurance- I didn't have anything, I got a settlement lower than I deserved, and I'm still racking up doctor bills. Insurance would have eliminated a lot of debt and the workload I was forced to take on for two years. That and my sex appeal should make me a great poster child for health benefits, lol.


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