A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The best birth control...

is a boy crazed 14 year old girl with ADHD. I love my little sister to death. Tay is a breath of fresh air. But she's also exhausting, and maturing at a rate faster than the speed of sound.

The whirlwind started on Saturday the 19th. She arrived at 3:30pm. I had to sign off on her, because she was a minor, but O'Hare is so chaotic and hectic that it turned into an hour ordeal, and I didn't even see her until at least 4:30. That was my tip off that the week would forge ahead at a dizzying pace.

Sunday she wanted to shop. She had $500 allowed for back to school stuff, and was determined to spend all of it. I talked her into saving some back, but come hell or high water, the kid was on a mission for clothes. I stood back watching the flurry of activity with a dumbfounded look on my face. We went to all of the stores that Canada doesn't have so that she could have "cool shit no one else does." By the end of the day I was spent, but she stayed up until 1am on the computer.

I had to go to a meeting on Monday, and when I got back at 1, she was just getting up, and back on to the computer. I think she spent the day glued to the chair. We left bright and early Tuesday for Cedar Point- a kick ass amusement park in Ohio. First off was the waterpark, and by the second hour, my sister had found boys she liked and wanted to hang out with. Since I was no match for cute boys (from Canada, no less) I made her come and check in with me every half an hour. The rest of the evening, until nearly midnight, was spent either talking about the boys, or begging to hang out with the boys... I relented a little, and the brat missed her curfew. I was about to go looking for her when she showed up, apparently oblivious to the time.

We woke her up at the crack of dawn on Wednesday, with a blaring kid's television sing along as punishment. We spent the day at Cedar Point, where Aaron took her on her first roller coaster ride ever, and got her to do the scariest coasters on the park. I played Mom and watched them play, but felt slightly jealous inside. My neck was already aching from the marathon car rides and the non stop activity, but I hated missing out on the fun. The one ride I think is safe- the go karts- turns into a classic Alli moment. I'm driving along, when we're told it's time to stop. A pile of go karts stopped in front of me, and before I know it, I'm crashing into the back of a chubby redheaded boy's car. After apologizing profusely, we got the hell out of there, and I decided that was as adventurous as I was going to get.

Exhausted, we returned home and rested on Thursday. Tay spent most of the day absorbed in msn conversations and her nexopia page, and Aaron and I took to the couch to relax in front of a movie. Friday, I took her to get a makeover at a funky makeup store, so she could buy some Urban Decay cosmetics. The makeup artist did such a beautiful job, but my little sister pulled no punches, and said quite frankly that she hated it. It wasn't 'emo' enough for her. (I've discovered that emo is a term used to describe a certain style my sister is into). So she bought a bunch of dark eyeliner instead. I just smiled and shook my head as she spent the last of her money.

Today, we're heading up to Chicago so she can see the sights before her flight tomorrow morning. I can't believe the week is almost gone.


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