A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday's Truths

I get ready every morning with the 'Today' show. It starts at 7 and I'm leaving by 7:30, so I only catch the big headlines. But what a lot to talk about.

First of course there's the violence over in Israel with the Hezbollah. The Lebanese have sent 15 000 troops in aid, but there is so much destruction. And all I know are the basics; the conflict because of religion, land, and politics. I shake my head incredulously. I can't even begin to imagine living in that sort of environment. From Iraq to Namibia. Aaron and I have mused about selling all our belongings and moving to a developing country to do our parts. To finally see what's really important in life and experience something beyond the American bubble while actually doing good would be such a feat! It would change the way I look at life... Who knows if it's just idle chatter, but it's certainly something I'd consider.

And, lest we not forget the idiots of BP, who let their oil pipelines in Alaska corrode. The wall street journal is tearing them to shreds. This oil 'crisis' is something else. I don't get it, they made 10 billion last quarter. They are making ridiculous amounts of money, and they can't even keep their facilities in proper working order?! Gas is at a record $78 a barrel, the profits are rolling in, and we just grit our teeth and fill up-further fueling the problem. No pun intended. I want to buy a Prius but the wait is 2 years. I see all these commercials about cars that run on vegetable oil... Mmmm, imagine the smell of McD's instead of diesel or gas. Maybe one day, with the continuing technology, there will be a generation of earth friendly folk who drive semi trucks, buses and cars on olive oil:)

Tomorrow is my last day at this part time job. I've (mostly) stopped calling myself a quitter. I know that I did a good job, and seeing the new candidates for the position just solidified the reasons why no one sticks around. These women weren't exactly well spoken, groomed, or in shape. I don't mean to sound rude, but obviously they just want a cheap, desperate woman who needs the money and will work like a dog. It's sad, really. It sounds so judgmental of me, but I don't mean for it to. It just pisses me off that they won't pay for good work. I really thought I'd be offered a raise, because the pay is so low, and I was getting such rave reviews. But, it's off to Indianapolis next week to get some hands on experience enrolling. It'll all be ok. Nothing happens without some hard work. And hard work is vital to change. There is more in store for me.


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