A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I'm so excited it's my last day at the sweatshop that I've been up since 3am! Yeah, right. Insomnia's a bitch. I've tried to fall back asleep, but to no avail. So, since I have to be up in an hour, I might as well stay up. It's gonna be a long day. Oh well, such is life.

I went into for a deep tissue massage after work and boy, did it make me sore. That's not unusual. He's trying to break up the scar tissue, but there are areas that always hurt more afterwards, and then I'll get a day or two of relief. This old guy is convinced ( as they all were, but hey, leave no stone unturned) he can help. We'll see. There's a procedure called 'needling' similar to trigger point injections, that isn't covered by my insurance, but that I'm looking in to. It involves inserting tiny needles (duh) into all of the trigger points and slowly destroying them by reinjuring the muscles and tendons. The theory is that then they can rebuild. It's not a common thing, and it can be very painful, so it's just food for thought at present.

Somehow, I am in the 10% of people who don't recover from a rear collision. Sadly, most of those 10% are women like me- in their 20's, small boned. There is some research that suggests being prone to depression is also a factor. I hate to be categorized that way, but it seems to be accurate to some degree.. I've talked to many women online, and our stories are all similar. Pain starts from an accident, and then we get handed off to numerous doctors who think they might be able to help. Years pass... We've all been through nerve blocks, ablations and injections. I feel like I should do something. There are a million forums out there for people to vent about their pain, and seek advice from sufferers alike, but nothing targeted to the demographic I'm talking about.

So many lofty ideas. Let's see how full of inspiration I am come 5pm today. It will be a day filled with coffee and painkillers. Not such a healthy combo, but a necessary evil to get through the day.

12:30 pm. Can any of you assholes calling in let me answer the phone instead of talking over me??? I can't help it if you're in a hurry and you fucked up your payroll. I take hundreds of calls a day, and since I'm courteous to you, maybe I could get the same in return.


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