A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Not So New Age

Things have changed again around here. I have withdrawn socially, and to be quite honest, I don't think I'm missed. I want to bemoan what has become, but c'mon, what good is that going to do? Save it for the therapist's chair. No need to keep beating a dead horse on a public blog.

I watched the newest "30 Days" when I woke up at the ridiculous hour of 5 am...This time, a stressed out, workaholic turned to New Age. His Christian girlfriend was afraid he was letting the devil in, while the skeptics called it "complete bunk." I was intrigued. After all, my mother believes very strongly in alternative medicine, and embraces some of the new age "bunk," going so far as to carry crystals in her pocket. She's a firm proponent of acupuncture, homeopathy, and has even done energy readings and reiki on me and, ahem, her horses. She's a little, um, eccentric. But, because it was shoved down my throat as a kid, I have some sort of strange attatchment to it.

At first this guy was thrown for a loop. He attended a summer solstice celebration, and it looked like he was ready to bolt when people started to chant. He had some old back injuries, and was treated with acupuncture, reiki, cupping, and a few other alternative therapies. By the third week, he had walked over hot coals, and learned all about tantra. For him, some of the tools used in the new age way of thinking, helped him cope with his stress, anger, and pain. When the project was done, he was a believer.

I don't know that I'm running 0ut to get my aura read, or do a firewalk. I think, just like secular religions, the power of the mind is the true healing force at work. New Age believers don't follow one particular dogma, so there are no set beliefs. I like the freedom that offers. I just keep remembering my mom, with a bolt on a string, measuring my magnetic fields and reading her Sylvia Brown books... Auughhhh. I can't let that be me!

Have I mentioned that the 'endorsements' (read: commercials) for the US elections are like child's play?

Donnelly was late paying his taxes 15 times, yet invested in his own campaign
But Chocola was late too, and supports big oil tax breaks because of his personal investments- he's a selfish bastard.
Donelly voted against the war on terror- he wants the US to flounder in a terror attack.
Chocola is a babykiller.
Donelly is a closet transvestite.

That is what they might as well be saying. I mean, these congressmen candidates are throwing potshots at each other. I can't vote because I'm only a resident, not a citizen. And while I know that the greatest threat to democracy is voter apathy (thanks Mr. Marceau, my 12th grade Social Studies teacher) why would anyone in their right mind vote for any of these schmucks anyway? Is the childish behavior really necessary?

Speaking of children- only two days until lil' sis arrives. If she knew I was calling her a child, oh lord...All she talks about is boys, MAC makeup, and clothes. 'Like' and 'Dude' are staples in her vocabulary. Honestly, I don't know how much change to expect from last year when she was here for a week. My mom says she's gone from skater kid to diva. Too much Paris Hilton! I've been teen proofing the house, and anticipating the arrival of the tornado known as Tay. I love that kid, so I'd better be up to the challenge. She is always talking, moving, fidgeting... To me, she looks like a classic case of ADHD, but I'm no doctor, and even if I was, my mom would NEVER medicate her child with those drugs. Between Tay and Aaron, I'll have my hands full. I'll be the mom, and they'll be the kids teasing me relentlessly. I can see it now. She has already tried to orchestrate a little tag team with Aaron to bug me as much as possible while she's here. I wish I had some of that energy! Maybe it will rub off on me.


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