A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back in the land of the sane.

As difficult as the week began, it ended far better. Yesterday, we made a last minute decision to go out to the lake and spend the day in the sun. It was 94 degrees, so what better way than to spend a beautiful summer day on a boat surrounded by friends? Today, we went and saw Clerks II for the second time. Again, I laughed my ass off. Jay and Silent Bob never get old, and Kevin Smith never fails to make me laugh with his homage to movies past and his glib diatribes.
My emotions have come back under control again, but sometimes I wonder about myself... I get so overwhelmed and irrational. Especially if I have PMS. Hormones do wacky things to the mind. Combine that with my apprehension about going back to work tomorrow, and my other personality quirks, and you get a very emotional woman. I get embarrased when I read some of my overwrought blog entries, but they are a part of me. If nothing else, I own how I feel, and have faith that someday, I won't be so hard on myself. Or so volatile. The roller coaster of my emotions can be a tough one to ride, but it's never boring.

So, as I sit here, slightly terrified about rising with the sun tomorrow morning, I also have smile on my face. Another chapter is about to start, and I have bounced back from the depths of despair once again, proving to myself that there is good in me, and greater things in store.


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