A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, December 11, 2006

My Tears

cleanse me
defend me
explain me
confuse me
terrify me

I have put myself in a prison of emotion
The gates are locked
I've lost the keys
I can't see beyond this wall of broken dreams

Rescue me- I'm drowning
In a pool of my own tears
I'm sinking slowly
Inch by Inch
Moment by Moment
Year by Year

If no one is there with a helping hand
If no one has the key
Somehow I must save myself
So that I can breathe

Another day, another fight... This time, it was over water. I got the blame because I had an 'attitude', and I wanted to scream- IF YOU WANT ATTITUDE, I'LL SHOW YOU ATTITUDE! Why would anyone let something like bottled water cause a fight? I keep thinking we're getting back on track, but everyday, Aaron and I find something else to argue about. And then, while he goes on with his day, I stay stuck in the moment. It's like a broken record, playing the same words over and over.

I'm trying to smile, but every time I start to grin, I feel more tears sliding down my cheek. This is not worth ruining another day, so why can't I just stop replaying everything?? I will shut down if I let this continue. I know myself well enough to know that once I reach a certain point, I let everything cave in on me. And I don't want that to happen.

So, it's time to crank the music, sing along, and dance like a fool!


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