A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Crazy Times

I had to inject a little humor, as innappropriate as it may be, into my life this morning. Cho Seung Hui has taken over the nation, and since NBC got a package from the 'pathological gunman' the networks are running the same disturbing clips over and over...

Everyone is saying something should have been done; there were signs that went ignored. I think it's very easy in a tragedy like this, after the fact, to point the finger. Every profiler and journalist has said that Cho was a timebomb, and no one did anything to stop him. From years before the shootings to the two hour time lapse where he apparently finished up his media package and sent it to NBC...

I agree that things could have been handled differently in this case. But it angers me to my core to see the same feed run over and over on every American news network. It's too late to stop him, and by magnifying Hui in the media, we are forgetting about the other victims. It's become a sick source of entertainment. By replaying the same clips, all the media is doing is giving more power to Hui and his so called 'sacrifice.' What about the other 32 people that were murdered? Why are we focusing more on the sick induvidual and not on those bright, talented students who lost their lives? Where is the balance?

I have so many mixed emotions about the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. It saddens and sickens me, yet I am following the coverage as I blast the journalists and networks for creating such a circus. What gets me the most is how they keep saying that kids out there seeing the newest footage of Hui may be inspired to commit their own heinous acts. Then WHY in the FUCK do you continue to show it, over and over again? What does this accomplish exactly?

Funny, Iraq is nearly forgotten as this country mourns... Yesterday 150 people were killed over there, and all I saw about it, was a blurb at the bottom of the screen! Jon Stewart devoted more time than that to the topic! Maybe I shouldn't be saying all of this, because really, I'm NOT an American, I'm simply an alien resident. Or maybe that's why I am in such an uproar about it all. But I can honestly say that I am fearful for this country's future... The mighty always fall.


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