A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Brain full of Jello

I've awakened earlier and earlier each morning in one of two ways. My kitten is always purring; either pulling my hair and kneading my chest, or mashing her teeth up against my nose in a cry for attention or food. This morning she and I were up at 3:30. I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep anytime soon, so we trudged downstairs and turned on the tv. I landed on HBO, which usually provides something entertaining for insomniacs.

I had a dentist appointment at 9:45, but finally by 9, I was just getting sleepy, so I postponed it until 2 this afternoon. Then the bathroom guy showed up. Tiling an entire shower and floor isn't the quietest job. I've been hearing pounding and banging which alternates with the wet saw screeching, so I haven't caught any zzzzz's. Instead, I've been fading in and out of old 'Beverly Hills 90210' episodes on Soapnet mixed in with some 'Mysteries of the Bible' on the History Channel. My head is so foggy, I'm actually going to have to break down and (gasp!) drink some coffee so I can drive to the dentist. Too bad it's just a cleaning, or I'd ask for the gas and catch a power nap in there...

The cats of course, are blissfully asleep,unaware of any commotion at all.


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