A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Little Changes

It's hard to believe it's Tuesday already. Where do the days go??

We went out to a comedy show on Saturday night. I was looking forward to it, but it wasn't such a positive experience when the night was over. We went with 2 other couples, and had dinner first. The meal was great, and I enjoyed socializing with everyone, although I got comments all night about how skinny I am. (I'm not saying " woe is me, it's sooo hard to be a size 2," but when you're oversensitive like I am, it's hard to hear what you percieve to be criticism.) Jokes about me wasting away, when I'm already aware that I've lost a significant amount of weight, just make me feel bad.

The show itself, was uncomfortable to say the very least. The seating was ridiculously cramped, and the performance was two and a half hours. The comedians were funny enough, but I was having a hard time laughing. My neck and shoulders were aching, and my mind wasn't able to relax enough to enjoy the show. I could hardly move when the thing was finally finished. I was finished!! That was as much of a night out as I could take.

Everyone else, however, had other ideas. My husband wanted to go out, as did his friends, and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I had to swallow back my tears as I told my husband to have a good time and be careful... I wanted so badly to beg or manipulate him to come home with me. Before, I would have done that, and we would've inevitably fought. But I knew that would be childish and counter-productive. Aaron deserved a night out with his friends, and it was just too bad that I wasn't feeling up to it. As hard as it was for me to do, as much as I wished I was out with him, or he was home with me, I know that I acted with maturity.

I had a counseling session last night, and Aaron came with. We were both nervous. Aaron is in some ways, a man of few words. He's not crazy about therapy, though he has gone in the past. It's just an awkward experience for him. I knew that it would be hard for him to open up to this guy. But it went well. They got a feel for each other, which I think is important. I cried (as usual) during an exercise where Aaron had to look at me and tell me, "Alli, you are not a burden." That was the big issue of the night, me feeling as though I am a giant pain in the ass, and being more trouble than I'm worth. A guilt complex I have to get over!

I don't know that I had any startling revelations, but I do feel a sense of peace after the session. Wouldn't it be nice if I could carry that feeling all the way into my Tai Chi class tonight?! Instead of going in, frazzled and keyed up, I could go in calm and centered. It will dramatically help my practice if I can keep this feeling for the rest of the afternoon. I've learned how to get in touch with my 'Chi,' and frankly, I wish I could remain in that space all day, everyday.

One day at a time, fake it, and all that jazz.


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