A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Aah...To hear the screeching of my cats wrestling each other, the thumping of the critters chasing each other up and down the stairs. Like two siblings learning to get along. Our little family dynamic is changing.

Valentine's day was perfect. We enjoyed every moment of it, and got so caught up in each other that we didn't even need a movie. I went out window shopping Wed with one of the girls that came to my little make up party. We found out we have so much in common. We were cracking each other up hysterically. It felt so good to really connect on a friendly level again.

I also saw the shrink on Wed, and he changed medications again. Some weren't working, and I was paying out of pocket (because they weren't covered,) so I asked to be taken off. Now, I'm down to one antidepressant. Yay! But, he added a sleeping pill, and when I took it that night, it was the strangest thing. I don't know if I was lucid dreaming or if I was just not in a deep state of sleep, but it messed me up that night and all day yesterday. I napped off and on all afternoon, and finally felt 'normal' by dinner time. I was fine when I took it last night at midnight. No hangover today. Maybe it was just reactionary.

I have my MRI tonight, around 5:30. I'm a little nervous, I've been told that the procedure will take about and hour and a half. In '04 I had one done on a small portion of my neck, and it took about 30 minutes. That wasn't so bad. But an hour and a half? Glad I went for the sedation, because there is NO way I could lay in that tube perfectly still for that long. While I'm not that claustrophobic, there's an eery sensation about being in that tunnel. The noises are abrupt and loud, and you feel like you're in a space machine, only you can't move. Someone is talking to you the whole time, but it feels as if he is a million miles away. Anyway, I'm hoping that the MRI and the EMG (which I'm having done next week) will help pinpoint exactly what's damaged, how severely, and what my next treatment options are.

Our master bathroom is finally getting done! It was originally supposed to be a wedding/housewarming present from our brother in law He tore it apart in August, bought the tile, and framed it in September. But his life and got busy, as life always does, and the project was placed on hold. Here it is February, so he offered to hire someone to come in and tile it, and split the cost with us. We said "hell, yes!!" It's money out of my settlement, but it's equity in the house, so I'm convinced it's a smart move. I can't wait to have a beautiful new bathroom!! Our contractor has been typical so far... not showing up on time, if at all. I've learned that is just par for the course when it comes to contracting out home renovations. Luckily, we've been able to do most of the work on our home ourselves. Well, Aaron has done most of the work, and I've gotten scolded when I so much as picked up a paint brush, but still... We want to do as much ourselves as possible. That's the joy in owning a home- taking pride in what you've done with it!!!


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