A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Mild on a Monday

This is my February tarotscope... I was quite intrigued.

Romance and Emotion
Two of Swords
All is well with your world of emotion, friendship, romance. It may not be all fairy lights and fire works and there's nothing shiny bright and new on the horizon. It's more like the harmonious settling of issues that have arisen. You may have to compromise a bit, or conform to the needs of another, but the outcome will bring trust and intimacy of the most valued kind. The cards say you must be very honest with yourself, so you can be honest with others.
Wheel of Fortune
Gosh, you can't put a step wrong in the career arena now, Scorp. How long have you been able to pull rabbits out of hats? We make much of our own luck or good fortune, so you really have been busy behind the scenes cooking up a storm. If luck or good fortune were a gift of destiny, then you've been smooching up to the right gods, fairies, angels, luck dragons, whatever! Just remember Scorpio, your good fortune doesn't and shouldn't mean less for someone else, just as their good fortune doesn't mean less for you. Remember to be gracious in success.
King of Cups (reversed)
The card is advising you to take great care with the details of your financial transactions. Secure your financial information safely away from prying eyes. You could be cheated of money this month if you don't keep your eyes wide open. The very good fortune in the sphere of your career or work could have you feeling so heady and invincible that you to let your guard down with an inappropriate person. Never the most trusting person, you usually only let yourself get done over if you're allowing yourself to feel a bit too big for your boots. As you work on humility, you are working on your own best protection.
General tone of soul or being
Four of Cups
Well, you're being just a tad over-sophisticated not to say jaded here, Scorpio. World weariness is understandable with this energy, but you've actually got some pretty exciting and advantageous events happening around you. You won't seem any the less in anyone's eyes if you utter the odd " whoopee " and show the world you're just as enthused by blessings as any other mere mortal. I know you don't like to show the hand of cards you're playing, but you can sometimes act so cool and above excitement that you can fool mostly yourself and miss out on a lovely ride.

The Superbowl party was a success! The men were getting loud and obnoxious towards the end of the night, but that's nothing new. Someone always bets too much or drinks too much and there's inevitably testosterone fueled pissing contests. But us girls had a good time, and I even booked one of those cheesy home parties. This one is beauty products, all the goodies I'm into, so I'm rounding up as many girls as possible to come over next Sunday. It should be fun. It's such a little thing, but I'm so proud of myself for being a social butterfly yesterday. I did it! And it wasn't so hard, once I stopped being self conscious and just relaxed. Fake it till you make it, baby.

It's so strange to not have anything on my agenda this week. I have aTai chi on Tuesday, a counseling appointment on Friday, and the makeup party Sunday, but so far that's it. No 3 hour Physical Therapy sessions, no 6,000 sq ft houses to clean... There are so many things I could get done at home. I could finally finish my wedding album and I could organize my temporary office. I could practice tai chi every day, naked. I could watch talk shows all day, if I wanted. I'm waiting on my study materials, so I can jump into that. Studying will be almost a new experience in itself, it's been so long since I've been in college. I've been told the test is easy, and I used to have a good studying system. It's all mostly memorization, so I'm not worried. Watch me get the stuff and freak out, because it's filled with mathematical formulas... Thank god Aaron is a math genius, if that ends up being the case.

Hooray for the Steelers!!!


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