A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Buckling down

My newest assignment from my counselor is to write a letter to myself. In it, I'm supposed to reveal what I resent, regret, and appreciate about myself, my choices, and my experiences. So far, I've written 4 pages filled solely with resentments and regrets. I can't say that I'm surprised. Who knows how long the letter will be when I'm done. I'm guessing that it's going to be an exercise in forgiveness and letting go of guilt.

I've also finally started studying for my Life and Health Insurance license. It's been seven years since I was in school, and studying doesn't come so easily anymore. It's overwhelming to all of a sudden have to learn and retain information about something completely foreign. To be honest, it's not all that interesting- it reminds me of economics in college. But even if I get licensed and don't like the work, it will only be part time. It will be in an office, and I like that sort of atmosphere, plus, it will look good on my resume. Despite dropping out of college, I've held some great jobs. I've worked as a pharmacy tech in a hospital, a curator's assistant at the Geological Survey of Canada,and I was a well rounded receptionist at a large financial firm.

Since moving to the US, I've learned the value of hard labor, and having an education. It's still very possible that I will go back to school part time. In fact, the mere process of studying and going to a class again will help me get acclimated for when I do go back . I have options and opportunities now that I didn't before. It's important for me to keep that in mind when I'm in a panic about learning all of this new material. It's just time to dust the ol' brain off and put it to good use.


At 4:03 PM , Blogger Jill said...

Curator's assistant at the Geological Survey of Canada sounds like that would've been an interesting job.

Unless of course some yokel from Thunder Bay came in with what he thought was a meterorite and it turned out to be a petrified moose dropping. That'd put you off your lunch for a while. ;)


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