A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Don't miss this opportunity!

Why is it that some people are just suckers for multi-level marketing, and think I need to get in on it?? I did my due diligence with www.arbonne.com and I will never buy the stuff or have a party again. It was a 2 hour long presentation on how this makeup and skin care is the fastest growing, best quality...Yada yada yada... My Neutrogena is a hell of a lot cheaper and seemed to work far better than this stuff.

Now,my dear old dad has a new business venture-www.unitedtsi.com that he wants me to get into. I checked out the link, and maybe I'm just a cynic to the core, but it looked like hogwash to me... A pay it forward scheme designed to make you wealthy? C'mon now. My parents have always been drawn to this stuff; Amway, phone services, vitamins, jewelry, make up... I guess if you really wanted to devote yourself 100%, it's something you could make good money at. But I didn't see my mom nor my dad make a substancial income from any of them. I'm not interested in 'investing' into that bullshit. The whole concept of the one my dad and stepmom are promoting seems like it is taking advantage of the giving spirit people posess. The links don't work on the page, it's very vague, and it just seems fishy to me. He's asked me to get back to him about it. I want nothing to do with it, but I feel so sorry for the man. He's in chronic pain, unemployed, and depressed. Not unlike his daughter. But he's way worse off than I am, and I don't want to contribute, in any way, to his decline. If I turn my back on something small and annoying to me, will I be an unsupportive daughter? This stems so much deeper than this stupid money making business, and I don't feel like going there... Not today.

I've just spent an hour studying insurance, and I'm no longer actually reading, but skimming, so thought I'd take a break. My head is swimming with annuities, whole and term life insurance, tax rules, policy payouts... It's starting to fit together, but it's still somewhat overlwhelming. And boring. I just keep telling myself that I need to give it a shot. This is a step forward. I don't have to keep living in the shadows.

I was up at 3 am again today, but I went to sleep by 8 last night. My schedule is so off... I used to stay up until midnight or later every night and get up at 8 or 9 am. Then I started working nights, so I was up for nearly 24 hours straight before going to bed. But these days, my mornings start before dawn, and I find myself fighting off drowsiness by supper time. Part of it can be blamed on Ripley, our sweet but bratty kitten, who wakes us up at least 3 times a night before one of us gives in and gets up. The rest is plain old depression, (although my spirits are up from a few weeks ago) pain, and worry. Aaron has adopted a similar sleeping schedule, which comes as no surprise. I feel bad for him. He's working full time while dealing with me, our financial stress, and his own problems- without getting a good night's rest. We're going through such a transition, but such is life. I'm sure things will level out.


At 3:41 PM , Blogger lilly said...

I think all those "money making" things are a waste of time and money! My sister used to throw those parties all the time and she never made a dime. After buying food, etc. she ended up breaking even.

Oh, and about the insurance... Zzzz... I worked at an insurance broker for a year and it was one of the most boringist (if thats even a word) jobs ever. Good luck though, I know how hard it is to start understanding all the mumbo jumbo...

At 3:50 PM , Blogger Jill said...

I've attended a few of those types of parties, but have been fortunate enough to have dodged a number of bullets about hosting one myself.

Hope your schedule comes back into cycle. I know how tough that can be! :p

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Chris said...

You look great in that red dress!


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