A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I feel blahhhhhh

Until I met my husband, I had never heard the word 'blah' used to describe one's mood. But, sitting here on a late Monday afternoon, that's exactly how I feel.

Friday night we went out for dinner with another couple, and I even managed to make it out to a local bar to see a band play. Wow, Alli makes it out somewhere! I almost bailed after dinner, but thanks to a little pep talk from everyone, I went and had fun.

I spent the rest of the weekend almost entirely in bed. Saturday, Aaron had the boys over to play some new Xbox crap, and I had no desire to compete with the dueling testosterone levels and trash talk. They played for 8 hours, so I caught up on last week's missed sleep. Aaron tried to bribe me to go shopping, (which is a ploy that would normally work,) but all I wanted to do was hibernate. Yesterday, I was soooo groggy, and again, didn't move much, except from the bedroom to the living room. Ripley, my bratty kitten, kept her schedule the same, waking me up at 4am like clockwork both mornings. Aren't kids the ones who are supposed to wake you up for early feedings?

Today, I've managed to get some housework done, and the groceries bought, but I still feel like crashing. It's just now dinnertime, and I feel like I'm ready for bed. What am I, 80?

So tired.....


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