A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

My little sister went back to Canada today, and it was hard for me to see her go. Now, as I think about where she is, and how she's doing, I worry and wish she was here, bugging me. So much came out of our time together. She is a fiesty and outgoing teenager with a huge spirit and a warm heart. But she is living in an enviroment that is damaging her, the same way it damaged me, and I am powerless to stop it.

We have a mother who goes through severe moodswings and takes whatever mood she is in out on my little sister; just like she did to me. She gets called selfish, ungrateful and disrespectful on a regular basis; just like I did. My mom badmouths myself, and the rest of my family to my little sister, who thankfully, can see through some of the bullshit. But that's not the worst of it. My 53 year old mother is using my 14 year old sister as a crutch. She has isolated herself and become so bitter and angry, that she has no one left. My sister is caught in between a mother who won't leave her alone to just be for a moment, and a father who doesn't know how to show affection. She is so confused, and each time she would bring up the subject, it would always end in tears because she was so conflicted and upset. It breaks my heart to know that my little sister is suffering- and that's what life with my mom is like. You just try and get through it. Unfortunately, you also pick up some very bad coping skills, become extremely critical, and carry an incredible amount of emotional baggage around with you as you mature.

All I can do is promise to always be there for her, whenever she needs me. If that means booking a red eye when things get bad, I'll do it. If it means finally standing up to my mother to try and save my sister, I'll do that too. Anything to keep my precious little sister safe and happy.


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