A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Is it Happy Birthday or Anniversary?

It's official. My baby (that would be this blog) is a year old today! Alli has actually stuck with something for one full year...The ups and downs of my 27th year are documented. On to the next year.

Speaking of the upcoming new year, I've been thinking about resolutions. I don't usually make them, because I don't want to fail (so I just avoid it all together- smart huh?) But I need to work on some things and the timing just so happens to be perfect. So here's my little list:

- Keep in better touch with loved ones back home. Again, a coping mechanism I use called avoidance. But I'm realizing that life doesn't slow down, and I don't want to regret keeping my family at such a distance.

- Laugh more.

- Show more affection to my darling husband, and reach out to others.

- Love myself, in all of my flawed gloriousness.

- Write more.

I could write a list of 25 things, but then I'd get overwhelmed and freak out. Instead, I'll keep it to the things most important, and if I get brave, I can always add to the list...


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