A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Relationship Reflections

Thank you so much to KneuroKnut and ValiantQueen for your kind words of wisdom and advice... Knut, I do have Dr Phil's 'Relationship Rescue' and I have the workbook. Time to dust it off. If I remember correctly, it's all about evaluating and changing your behavior first. And Queen, I know you are right- he is in this for good. When I let my emotions do the thinking, they're usually thinking worst case scenario, and focusing of failure. I know that self fulfilling prophecies happen- I've seen it first hand many times. And I don't want to sabotage my marriage, be it subconciously or not, by even entertaining the notion that we won't make it.

Our wedding day was filled with happiness...I remember as we said our vows and looked into each other's tear filled eyes,that we meant every word we said. We had lived together for over four years, and been together nearly five. To us, marriage wasn't just about our love, it was also about a change for me- a new life, in fact. One where I didn't have to make money illegally working, where I could get a driver's lisence and a library card, one where I could finally lay my hat and STAY, because I was happy, safe, and loved. We didn't take the idea of getting married lightly- we knew that it would change so much on so many levels. So imagine our surprise when the first year of our marriage, really, went off without a hitch. Things didn't seem too much different- we just had pretty rings and we owned a home. But difficulties arise in any relationship, especially when there is change involved. Change can be a bitch, there's no two ways about it... Right now, things are a lot different than they have been in years. So naturally, we will experience growing pains. There is one thing I know for certain. Aaron loves me, and I love him. Our fate is up to us.


At 1:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you feeling more positive this day! I know that our blogs are our guts and our raw souls working to get to that healthier place...and sometimes we don't write where we ultimately arrived after pouring ourselves out. Keep blogging to stay healthy girl! You are an amazing person!


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