A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, December 11, 2006

When your husband says ' we need counseling...'

I hadn't been writing in my blog much, but it's part of my own therapy, and now I'm letting everything out in a flood of words and emotions.

Trying to resolve our argument, I apologized for any attitude I had earlier this morning... And then he told me that he feels like I always concentrate on his mistakes or flaws, and never notice any of the good things he does. I was floored because that is so not how I feel, and I've always felt so grateful to have Aaron in my life. But I know that sometimes I don't realize that the way I say things can be biting. What makes this even more complicated is that I feel like he's been dogging on me constantly too. We had been doing fine. It's been in the last few weeks that things have become tense and strained. When I told Aaron that I was feeling the same way, he didn't get it at all. I got the idea that he thinks it's all me... So, he said it was time for marriage counseling. And if we are on completely different planes, which is how it feels right now, then I couldn't agree with him more. We need a third party to come in and help us communicate. I hope that this isn't the start of a slow, painful break up... It's a fear I carry with me; I am afraid that we won't beat the odds. I hate the very thought of us not being together, but since I'm venting, I might as well be completely honest.

Us getting counseling is a good thing right?? I mean, I know that my counselor has helped me and I'm so glad I swallowed my pride and have stuck with it. I hope that we're just going through a rough patch and that a counselor will give us tools to better our communication. I don't want to acknowledge the other fear at all. That's worrying about something that certainly isn't looming in front of me. It's just a fear based on my past failures.

I've given myself one hell of a headache. Time to lie down.


At 5:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Counseling isn't a bad thing Allison and it doesn't mean that you guys won't make it. The first year of marriage can be tough for any couple, as two lives have to squeeze and change to become one. Your current situation (stress with work, chronic pain and dealing with years of hurt) will make it more difficult and it will require work on both your parts. You both need to really analyze your own behavious and work together to find some of the problems and make a plan together on how you're going to fix them. Sounds cheezy but have you read Dr. Phil's "Relationship Rescue"?

Sometimes all a problem will need is time. A few different times B and I have argued over almost everything for a few weeks and then, it's gone. Try to take a step back and give it some time and attention. It will be okay.

At 1:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
It sounds like A. is someone you can trust. His suggesting counselling means he is IN the marriage, not looking to get out. Your friend is right--the first year of marriage SUCKS...I don't know anyone who just floated through it...there is so much changing and compromising that has to happen as you change from being the person who can "just walk away if I don't like it", to the person who has to figure out how to solve a problem. Very few people have the skills to do this effectively.

I know how hard it is to keep from worrying about the future 'possibilities'. I also know that I have the power to control what happens in my life. If you keep thinking it will end, it will end. If you realize that A. is there to work with you, and that you two can overcome as long as you can both see real effort on the other's part, then you will overcome.

I'm rooting for you!

At 1:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
It sounds like A. is someone you can trust. His suggesting counselling means he is IN the marriage, not looking to get out. Your friend is right--the first year of marriage SUCKS...I don't know anyone who just floated through it...there is so much changing and compromising that has to happen as you change from being the person who can "just walk away if I don't like it", to the person who has to figure out how to solve a problem. Very few people have the skills to do this effectively.

I know how hard it is to keep from worrying about the future 'possibilities'. I also know that I have the power to control what happens in my life. If you keep thinking it will end, it will end. If you realize that A. is there to work with you, and that you two can overcome as long as you can both see real effort on the other's part, then you will overcome.

I'm rooting for you!


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