A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

fragmented stream of conciousness

flip through channels, try to read. cough. can't concentrate. eat. attempt to write, but my thoughts don't come out through the keys. so tired, but can't sleep. cough. neck aches, so i take a pill. wish for a pill that could kick my ass out of this haze. think about calling a friend or family member, but decide against it. no need to spread my negativity. back to flipping channels, nothing is on. cough, cough. the pounding starts from two floors down. it sounds like it's coming from across the hall. sit down at my computer. look for someone online, something to do. try again to write. the hammering is constant. sneeze attack. can't think. head hurts. take a shower. shave my legs. the air is cold. find sweats. wonder what to do. pick up my book. eyelids are heavy. make green tea. think too much. type. cat jumps on the keyboard to get my attention. set her in my lap. she falls asleep. decide to watch a movie and numb my brain. debate internally if i should post this. wonder what on earth people must think and why i care.


At 4:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Allie!

I had written to you the other day, but my comment got lost somewhere in cyberspace. First of all, know that you are not alone. Second of all, know that you are worth knowing.

I was happy to read that you let Aaron in. Girlfriend, you have a man who loves you, time to start loving yourself so you've got something to give back to him.

It may be hard to put yourself out there, but the more genuine you are with others (this does not mean spilling our guts to those we just meet) the more strong bonds you will make. Try asking someone you would like to have as a friend for lunch or a coffee. People are flattered not weirded out when we let them know we value them. You can do this.

Just keep trying...that's what life's all about.


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