A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Monday, January 01, 2007

This isn't a sign, is it?

I went to bed the night before New Year's Eve feeling sick... Sure enough, I spent the evening and morning with my head hung in the toilet. We had huge plans to go to Indianapolis for the Colts vs Dolphins game, and we were going to ring in 2007 together there. I guess my body had other plans, because I couldn't go. I tried just to feel good enough for the 3 hour drive and make it to the hotel by literally crawling into the shower and sitting on the tiled floor washing my hair then pulling on sweats. I gulped down Pepto like it was Pepsi. But I was in so much pain, and so ill,I could hardly move- much less walk. Finally, I gave up, and submitted to the fact that I was going to be spending New Year's home alone. There was no way I was going to let Aaron miss something he had been excited about for months, and other people were depending on him. So with tears in our eyes, we said good bye.

I spent the day laid up, feeling awful, watching my favorite movies. I didn't want to be up for the big ball drop, and luckily, I was in a deep sleep by 8 pm. When I woke up at 6 this morning, it wasn't until I turned on the tv that I remembered it was 2007. At least I'm feeling semi human today, instead of puking or shitting my guts out... (sorry for any graphic images that may cause) I miss my man, and being sick yesterday kept me from being too upset about the whole thing. But this morning, I cried...a lot. Hopefully it is out of my system so that I can give my husband a huge smile when he walks in the door.

I stepped on the scale today, and was shocked to see that my weight has dropped down to 104lbs; the smallest I've ever been. I'm guessing it's from being sick. Standing naked in front of the mirror, I examined my body, inch by inch... It looks so frail and fragile. Like it could snap in two at any moment. Akin to how I feel. I'm going to assume this whole thing was mere coincidence or bad timing, and not a sign of what is to come.

I haven't even wished anyone a 'Happy New Year' yet...The cats hardly count. So happy '07 to all.


At 12:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It isn't a sign of things to come, it is a sign of the year past. You are now free, clear and empty to accept the great things that 2007 has to fill you! Enjoy a special New Year's Eve tonight with Aaron in the best way you two can think of -- 2007 is going to be a good one--I am sure of it!


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