A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A stepping stone

January wasn't such a great month for me... In fact, there were times that I truly wished there was giant black hole I could crawl into, and retreat.

But it is a new month, and today is a day for change. Struggling with depression, anxiety, and pain is tough. But I was getting soooooo down that I was scared I would wind up hurting myself, if I didn't get help. So, today I meet with my new phsychiatrist. I've never actually been to a shrink before. I've seen social workers and counselors, but that's about it. I am both nervous and relieved. I'm nervous because I fear judgement, but relieved because I know that I need help to get back on my feet. Let's see what this first appointment has in store...


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