A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Movin' on up

For the first time ever, I have a laptop. To most people, that's no big deal, but for me it's huge. Sitting at the computer desk will no longer be a painful process, since I can take this baby everywhere. I'm sitting on my couch, watching the birds frolics in our bird bath. Regis and Kelly are keeping me company on the television. My cats are so curious about this new contraption; one wants to bite it, one wants to walk over the keyboard.

I have a job interview next week... My boss to be set it up so that I could continue to train, and have supplemental income as well. Now my father in law is the manager of a big investments firm, and he says that my training should be compensated. It's federal law. But I have been told me that my training comes at my expense. The classes are covered, but hotels, food, and gas are up to me... Apparently, that's not supposed to be so. It's a subject I haven't breached with my boss to be, because there have already been so many bumps in the road. It's hard when you are working with a friend- where do you draw the line? Anyway, the job would just be part time reception, but essentially,I would be working full time. On the days I don't work, I'd be training for enrollments. My biggest qualm? I wanted to ease back into the work force part time. I'm still recovering from that stupid surgery, and I don't know if I can handle full time work yet. I feel like a whiny little bitch saying that, but it's true. If I do too much too fast, I'm putting my body in jeopardy. Sigh. So I'm going to the interview, and we'll see how flexible they are. I'm hoping that since it was a favor from my boss, I will have a little bit of leeway.

My little sister is coming to visit the third weekend in August. I can't wait to see her again. She's 14 going on 25. I sound like an old woman when I say this, but kids today are so different from the kids of my day. My little sis swears like a sailor ( a habit I'm dying for her to break, because I know from experience, it's very unbecoming, and hard to stop!) The kid is boy crazy, and already, my mom caught her in her bedroom on top of a boy. She's 14! She looks up to me as her cool older sister, so I hope I can talk to her about everything, without her thinking I'm lecturing her. I worry about the rate at which she's maturing. My first kiss didn't even happen until I was 17, and I stayed a virgin until I was 20. I had some scary experiences in between though, and I would hate for my sister to repeat my mistakes.

Ok, Regis is cracking a joke and my right side needs iced. Out for now.


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