A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Gone to the Doc's

Yesterday I had my monthly follow up with my pain doctor. I had a list of things that I needed to address, and Aaron was there for reinforcement. The doctor is not thrilled about me going back to work- he feels it is still too early. However, he understands that I have to try to increase my activity and make some money. He would have been a lot less thrilled if I told him I was going back to twirling around on a pole in a skimpy outfit. I'll be in an office, and I'm already spending time on the computer. There will be certain compentsations I'll have to make as precautions; little things like moving my whole body instead of turning just my head, or standing up to get something, rather than reaching for it. He's also changed my pain medication around, and I'm using a new long acting pill called Kadian, in combination with muscle relaxers and meds for breakthrough pain. He said it would take 6 weeks minimum for the full results of the rhizotomy to show, and that after that point, we can consider some additional options, if needed. I've been seeing a local chiropractor who doesn't crack bones, but just concentrates on the muscles and ligaments to help with the shoulder pain. I got the offical ok from the doctor for that as well. As frustrated as I get with the whole process, my doctor has never treated me with anything but the utmost respect. He talks to me like I'm his equal, rather than just a patient. I've been to enough clinics to know that good physicians are hard to find.


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