A Woman on a Mission

This is my refuge, my cathartic release... It's not glitzy or glamorous, but it's ME.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A Conversation

The blinds are shut
Rays of sunshine won’t be streaming through your windows
You think you’re hiding in the shadows
Safety isn’t in numbers, you say
Safety is about keeping secrets and people at a distance

You’ve opened your heart before
Only to have it stepped on. Again and again.
How many times have you broken your own heart?
How many times have you starved it of love?

When you cry out, do you cry loudly enough for others to hear?
Or softly enough so that no one can tell?

I know you’re frightened and filled with pain
I know you feel alone

You don’t have to be a prisoner to yourself
What you felt today, last week, last year…
Doesn’t have to continue
You can open the shades, one window at a time.
Let the rays of sun warm your heart,
If only for a moment…

Let yourself grieve
But let yourself love.



At 2:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep taking each moment as it comes. You are strong.


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