Exhausted, I'm finished with my first day back at work. I thought I'd be easing back into the workforce... WRONG. It was more like a giant leap into completely unfamiliar territory. From 8am to 5:15 pm, I was busier than I've been in the last five months. I'm still in shock. I was bombarded left and right with all sorts of tasks. Except for answering the phone, I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing. I know it's got nothing to do with my insurance license though. It's supposed to be training and experience. It's training, all right. Training to be a fucking lackey who does the jobs no one else wants for a meager paycheck. I'm trying to stay positive, but damn, I'm whipped. My body hurts, as does my brain. I'm ready for bed.
Why, oh why, didn't I finish college? And why am I not doing what I am LICENSED to do- which is enrolling, customer service, and human resources for an INSURANCE company... I'll hang in there, in hopes that things will work out like I've planned. But I'm frustrated and tired, so I'll save the rant. Maybe it will get better. At least I made it through one hell of a day without shedding a single tear. ( And I wanted to cry, soooo badly, but I remained stoic.) I've worked worse jobs than this- I just got paid more. Now, I'm supposed to be a professional, but I feel like servant. The only difference is that I'm dressed up in nice clothes.
Sigh, baby steps...